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10.25 Zerodivisors and total rings of fractions

The local ring at a minimal prime has the following properties.

Lemma 10.25.1. Let \mathfrak p be a minimal prime of a ring R. Every element of the maximal ideal of R_{\mathfrak p} is nilpotent. If R is reduced then R_{\mathfrak p} is a field.

Proof. If some element x of {\mathfrak p}R_{\mathfrak p} is not nilpotent, then D(x) \not= \emptyset , see Lemma 10.17.2. This contradicts the minimality of \mathfrak p. If R is reduced, then {\mathfrak p}R_{\mathfrak p} = 0 and hence it is a field. \square

Lemma 10.25.2. Let R be a reduced ring. Then

  1. R is a subring of a product of fields,

  2. R \to \prod _{\mathfrak p\text{ minimal}} R_{\mathfrak p} is an embedding into a product of fields,

  3. \bigcup _{\mathfrak p\text{ minimal}} \mathfrak p is the set of zerodivisors of R.

Proof. By Lemma 10.25.1 each of the rings R_\mathfrak p is a field. In particular, the kernel of the ring map R \to R_\mathfrak p is \mathfrak p. By Lemma 10.17.2 we have \bigcap _{\mathfrak p} \mathfrak p = (0). Hence (2) and (1) are true. If x y = 0 and y \not= 0, then y \not\in \mathfrak p for some minimal prime \mathfrak p. Hence x \in \mathfrak p. Thus every zerodivisor of R is contained in \bigcup _{\mathfrak p\text{ minimal}} \mathfrak p. Conversely, suppose that x \in \mathfrak p for some minimal prime \mathfrak p. Then x maps to zero in R_\mathfrak p, hence there exists y \in R, y \not\in \mathfrak p such that xy = 0. In other words, x is a zerodivisor. This finishes the proof of (3) and the lemma. \square

The total ring of fractions Q(R) of a ring R was introduced in Example 10.9.8.

Lemma 10.25.3. Let R be a ring. Let S \subset R be a multiplicative subset consisting of nonzerodivisors. Then Q(R) \cong Q(S^{-1}R). In particular Q(R) \cong Q(Q(R)).

Proof. If x \in S^{-1}R is a nonzerodivisor, and x = r/f for some r \in R, f \in S, then r is a nonzerodivisor in R. Whence the lemma. \square

We can apply glueing results to prove something about total rings of fractions Q(R) which we introduced in Example 10.9.8.

Lemma 10.25.4. Let R be a ring. Assume that R has finitely many minimal primes \mathfrak q_1, \ldots , \mathfrak q_ t, and that \mathfrak q_1 \cup \ldots \cup \mathfrak q_ t is the set of zerodivisors of R. Then the total ring of fractions Q(R) is equal to R_{\mathfrak q_1} \times \ldots \times R_{\mathfrak q_ t}.

Proof. There are natural maps Q(R) \to R_{\mathfrak q_ i} since any nonzerodivisor is contained in R \setminus \mathfrak q_ i. Hence a natural map Q(R) \to R_{\mathfrak q_1} \times \ldots \times R_{\mathfrak q_ t}. For any nonminimal prime \mathfrak p \subset R we see that \mathfrak p \not\subset \mathfrak q_1 \cup \ldots \cup \mathfrak q_ t by Lemma 10.15.2. Hence \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(Q(R)) = \{ \mathfrak q_1, \ldots , \mathfrak q_ t\} (as subsets of \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R), see Lemma 10.17.5). Therefore \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(Q(R)) is a finite discrete set and it follows that Q(R) = A_1 \times \ldots \times A_ t with \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A_ i) = \{ \mathfrak {q}_ i\} , see Lemma 10.24.3. Moreover A_ i is a local ring, which is a localization of R. Hence A_ i \cong R_{\mathfrak q_ i}. \square

Comments (4)

Comment #6046 by Shurui Liu on

Lemma 00EW (3) doesn't need R to be reduced and hence lemma 02LX needn't require to be the set of zerodivisors of R (since it is automatically true).

Comment #6047 by on

@#6046. No. I suggest trying to make a counterexample.

Comment #8084 by on

I find your Lemma 02LX fishy. Suppose R = k[x,y]/(x*y). The zero divisors of R are the two minimal prime ideals (x) and (y). The multiplicative set S consists of anything not in (x) or (y) -- so anything with a constant term, or anything like x^n + y^m. The total ring of fractions is certainly a subring of the Cartesian product of two fields k(x) x k(y). I believe that it consists of pairs f(x), g(y) such that both are regular functions at x=0 and y=0, and take the same value f(0)=g(0). In particular the elements (1,0) and (0,1) of the Cartesian product are not in S^-1R.

Matsumura's 2 books and the Wikipedia page on total ring of fractions just say the obvious definition without discussing what it means or any serious examples. In your treatment, I think Q(R) should be a subring of the Cartesian product

A slightly more complicated example would be k[x,y]/(x^n,y^m), where the total ring of fractions is a subring of k(x)[y]/y^m x k(y)[x]/x^n with the first and second factors equal modulo smaller powers of x,y. Tricky to state correctly, although the idea is clear.

I'm trying to read Mumford, Curves on a surface, Lecture 9: Cartier divisors.

Best, Miles

Comment #8090 by on

Dear Miles, what about ? This corresponds to the function which is when and when , so it corresponds to in . OK?

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