Theorem 10.95.6. Let R \to S be a faithfully flat ring map. Let M be an R-module. If the S-module M \otimes _ R S is projective, then M is projective.
Proof. We are going to construct a Kaplansky dévissage of M to show that it is a direct sum of projective modules and hence projective. By Theorem 10.84.5 we can write M \otimes _ R S = \bigoplus _{i \in I} Q_ i as a direct sum of countably generated S-modules Q_ i. Choose a well-ordering on M. Using transfinite recursion we are going to define an increasing family of submodules M_{\alpha } of M, one for each ordinal \alpha , such that M_{\alpha } \otimes _ R S is a direct sum of some subset of the Q_ i.
For \alpha = 0 let M_0 = 0. If \alpha is a limit ordinal and M_{\beta } has been defined for all \beta < \alpha , then define M_\alpha = \bigcup _{\beta < \alpha } M_{\beta }. Since each M_{\beta } \otimes _ R S for \beta < \alpha is a direct sum of a subset of the Q_ i, the same will be true of M_{\alpha } \otimes _ R S. If \alpha + 1 is a successor ordinal and M_{\alpha } has been defined, then define M_{\alpha + 1} as follows. If M_{\alpha } = M, then let M_{\alpha +1} = M. Otherwise choose the smallest x \in M (with respect to the fixed well-ordering) such that x \notin M_{\alpha }. Since S is flat over R, (M/M_{\alpha }) \otimes _ R S = M \otimes _ R S/M_{\alpha } \otimes _ R S, so since M_{\alpha } \otimes _ R S is a direct sum of some Q_ i, the same is true of (M/M_{\alpha }) \otimes _ R S. By Lemma 10.95.5, we can find a countably generated R-submodule P of M/M_{\alpha } containing the image of x in M/M_{\alpha } and such that P \otimes _ R S (which equals \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(P \otimes _ R S \to M \otimes _ R S) since S is flat over R) is a direct sum of some Q_ i. Since M \otimes _ R S = \bigoplus _{i \in I} Q_ i is projective and projectivity passes to direct summands, P \otimes _ R S is also projective. Thus by Lemma 10.95.3, P is projective. Finally we define M_{\alpha + 1} to be the preimage of P in M, so that M_{\alpha + 1}/M_{\alpha } = P is countably generated and projective. In particular M_{\alpha } is a direct summand of M_{\alpha + 1} since projectivity of M_{\alpha + 1}/M_{\alpha } implies the sequence 0 \to M_{\alpha } \to M_{\alpha + 1} \to M_{\alpha + 1}/M_{\alpha } \to 0 splits.
Transfinite induction on M (using the fact that we constructed M_{\alpha + 1} to contain the smallest x \in M not contained in M_{\alpha }) shows that each x \in M is contained in some M_{\alpha }. Thus, there is some large enough ordinal S satisfying: for each x \in M there is \alpha \in S such that x \in M_{\alpha }. This means (M_{\alpha })_{\alpha \in S} satisfies property (1) of a Kaplansky dévissage of M. The other properties are clear by construction. We conclude M = \bigoplus _{\alpha + 1 \in S} M_{\alpha + 1}/M_{\alpha }. Since each M_{\alpha + 1}/M_{\alpha } is projective by construction, M is projective. \square
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