10.50 Valuation rings
Here are some definitions.
Definition 10.50.1. Valuation rings.
Let K be a field. Let A, B be local rings contained in K. We say that B dominates A if A \subset B and \mathfrak m_ A = A \cap \mathfrak m_ B.
Let A be a ring. We say A is a valuation ring if A is a local domain and if A is maximal for the relation of domination among local rings contained in the fraction field of A.
Let A be a valuation ring with fraction field K. If R \subset K is a subring of K, then we say A is centered on R if R \subset A.
With this definition a field is a valuation ring.
Lemma 10.50.2. Let K be a field. Let A \subset K be a local subring. Then there exists a valuation ring with fraction field K dominating A.
We consider the collection of local subrings of K as a partially ordered set using the relation of domination. Suppose that \{ A_ i\} _{i \in I} is a totally ordered collection of local subrings of K. Then B = \bigcup A_ i is a local subring which dominates all of the A_ i. Hence by Zorn's Lemma, it suffices to show that if A \subset K is a local ring whose fraction field is not K, then there exists a local ring B \subset K, B \not= A dominating A.
Pick t \in K which is not in the fraction field of A. If t is transcendental over A, then A[t] \subset K and hence A[t]_{(t, \mathfrak m)} \subset K is a local ring distinct from A dominating A. Suppose t is algebraic over A. Then for some nonzero a \in A the element at is integral over A. In this case the subring A' \subset K generated by A and ta is finite over A. By Lemma 10.36.17 there exists a prime ideal \mathfrak m' \subset A' lying over \mathfrak m. Then A'_{\mathfrak m'} dominates A. If A = A'_{\mathfrak m'}, then t is in the fraction field of A which we assumed not to be the case. Thus A \not= A'_{\mathfrak m'} as desired.
Lemma 10.50.3. Let A be a valuation ring. Then A is a normal domain.
Suppose x is in the field of fractions of A and integral over A. Let A' denote the subring of K generated by A and x. Since A\subset A' is an integral extension, we see by Lemma 10.36.17 that there is a prime ideal \mathfrak m' \subset A' lying over \mathfrak m. Then A'_{\mathfrak m'} dominates A. Since A is a valuation ring we conclude that A=A'_{\mathfrak m'} and therefore that x\in A.
Lemma 10.50.4. Let A be a valuation ring with maximal ideal \mathfrak m and fraction field K. Let x \in K. Then either x \in A or x^{-1} \in A or both.
Assume that x is not in A. Let A' denote the subring of K generated by A and x. Since A is a valuation ring we see that there is no prime of A' lying over \mathfrak m. Since \mathfrak m is maximal we see that V(\mathfrak m A') = \emptyset . Then \mathfrak m A' = A' by Lemma 10.17.2. Hence we can write 1 = \sum _{i = 0}^ d t_ i x^ i with t_ i \in \mathfrak m. This implies that (1 - t_0) (x^{-1})^ d - \sum t_ i (x^{-1})^{d - i} = 0. In particular we see that x^{-1} is integral over A, and hence x^{-1} \in A by Lemma 10.50.3.
Lemma 10.50.5. Let A \subset K be a subring of a field K such that for all x \in K either x \in A or x^{-1} \in A or both. Then A is a valuation ring with fraction field K.
If A is not K, then A is not a field and there is a nonzero maximal ideal \mathfrak m. If \mathfrak m' is a second maximal ideal, then choose x, y \in A with x \in \mathfrak m, y \not\in \mathfrak m, x \not\in \mathfrak m', and y \in \mathfrak m'. Then neither x/y \in A nor y/x \in A contradicting the assumption of the lemma. Thus we see that A is a local ring. Suppose that A' is a local ring contained in K which dominates A. Let x \in A'. We have to show that x \in A. If not, then x^{-1} \in A, and of course x^{-1} \in \mathfrak m_ A. But then x^{-1} \in \mathfrak m_{A'} which contradicts x \in A'.
Lemma 10.50.6.slogan Let I be a directed set. Let (A_ i, \varphi _{ij}) be a system of valuation rings over I. Then A = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits A_ i is a valuation ring.
It is clear that A is a domain. Let a, b \in A. Lemma 10.50.5 tells us we have to show that either a | b or b | a in A. Choose i so large that there exist a_ i, b_ i \in A_ i mapping to a, b. Then Lemma 10.50.4 applied to a_ i, b_ i in A_ i implies the result for a, b in A.
Lemma 10.50.7. Let L/K be an extension of fields. If B \subset L is a valuation ring, then A = K \cap B is a valuation ring.
We can replace L by the fraction field F of B and K by K \cap F. Then the lemma follows from a combination of Lemmas 10.50.4 and 10.50.5.
Lemma 10.50.8. Let L/K be an algebraic extension of fields. If B \subset L is a valuation ring with fraction field L and not a field, then A = K \cap B is a valuation ring and not a field.
By Lemma 10.50.7 the ring A is a valuation ring. If A is a field, then A = K. Then A = K \subset B is an integral extension, hence there are no proper inclusions among the primes of B (Lemma 10.36.20). This contradicts the assumption that B is a local domain and not a field.
Lemma 10.50.9. Let A be a valuation ring. For any prime ideal \mathfrak p \subset A the quotient A/\mathfrak p is a valuation ring. The same is true for the localization A_\mathfrak p and in fact any localization of A.
Use the characterization of valuation rings given in Lemma 10.50.5.
Lemma 10.50.10. Let A' be a valuation ring with residue field K. Let A be a valuation ring with fraction field K. Then C = \{ \lambda \in A' \mid \lambda \bmod \mathfrak m_{A'} \in A\} is a valuation ring.
Note that \mathfrak m_{A'} \subset C and C/\mathfrak m_{A'} = A. In particular, the fraction field of C is equal to the fraction field of A'. We will use the criterion of Lemma 10.50.5 to prove the lemma. Let x be an element of the fraction field of C. By the lemma we may assume x \in A'. If x \in \mathfrak m_{A'}, then we see x \in C. If not, then x is a unit of A' and we also have x^{-1} \in A'. Hence either x or x^{-1} maps to an element of A by the lemma again.
Lemma 10.50.11. Let A be a normal domain with fraction field K.
For every x \in K, x \not\in A there exists a valuation ring A \subset V \subset K with fraction field K such that x \not\in V.
If A is local, we can moreover choose V which dominates A.
In other words, A is the intersection of all valuation rings in K containing A and if A is local, then A is the intersection of all valuation rings in K dominating A.
Suppose x \in K, x \not\in A. Consider B = A[x^{-1}]. Then x \not\in B. Namely, if x = a_0 + a_1x^{-1} + \ldots + a_ d x^{-d} then x^{d + 1} - a_0x^ d - \ldots - a_ d = 0 and x is integral over A in contradiction with the fact that A is normal. Thus x^{-1} is not a unit in B. Thus V(x^{-1}) \subset \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B) is not empty (Lemma 10.17.2), and we can choose a prime \mathfrak p \subset B with x^{-1} \in \mathfrak p. Choose a valuation ring V \subset K dominating B_\mathfrak p (Lemma 10.50.2). Then x \not\in V as x^{-1} \in \mathfrak m_ V.
If A is local, then we claim that x^{-1} B + \mathfrak m_ A B \not= B. Namely, if 1 = (a_0 + a_1x^{-1} + \ldots + a_ d x^{-d})x^{-1} + a'_0 + \ldots + a'_ d x^{-d} with a_ i \in A and a'_ i \in \mathfrak m_ A, then we'd get
(1 - a'_0) x^{d + 1} - (a_0 + a'_1) x^ d - \ldots - a_ d = 0
Since a'_0 \in \mathfrak m_ A we see that 1 - a'_0 is a unit in A and we conclude that x would be integral over A, a contradiction as before. Then choose the prime \mathfrak p \supset x^{-1} B + \mathfrak m_ A B we find V dominating A.
An totally ordered abelian group is a pair (\Gamma , \geq ) consisting of an abelian group \Gamma endowed with a total ordering \geq such that \gamma \geq \gamma ' \Rightarrow \gamma + \gamma '' \geq \gamma ' + \gamma '' for all \gamma , \gamma ', \gamma '' \in \Gamma .
Lemma 10.50.12. Let A be a valuation ring with field of fractions K. Set \Gamma = K^*/A^* (with group law written additively). For \gamma , \gamma ' \in \Gamma define \gamma \geq \gamma ' if and only if \gamma - \gamma ' is in the image of A - \{ 0\} \to \Gamma . Then (\Gamma , \geq ) is a totally ordered abelian group.
Omitted, but follows easily from Lemma 10.50.4. Note that in case A = K we obtain the zero group \Gamma = \{ 0\} endowed with its unique total ordering.
Definition 10.50.13. Let A be a valuation ring.
The totally ordered abelian group (\Gamma , \geq ) of Lemma 10.50.12 is called the value group of the valuation ring A.
The map v : A - \{ 0\} \to \Gamma and also v : K^* \to \Gamma is called the valuation associated to A.
The valuation ring A is called a discrete valuation ring if \Gamma \cong \mathbf{Z}.
Note that if \Gamma \cong \mathbf{Z} then there is a unique such isomorphism such that 1 \geq 0. If the isomorphism is chosen in this way, then the ordering becomes the usual ordering of the integers.
Lemma 10.50.14. Let A be a valuation ring. The valuation v : A -\{ 0\} \to \Gamma _{\geq 0} has the following properties:
v(a) = 0 \Leftrightarrow a \in A^*,
v(ab) = v(a) + v(b),
v(a + b) \geq \min (v(a), v(b)) provided a + b \not= 0.
Lemma 10.50.15. Let A be a ring. The following are equivalent
A is a valuation ring,
A is a local domain and every finitely generated ideal of A is principal.
Assume A is a valuation ring and let f_1, \ldots , f_ n \in A. Choose i such that v(f_ i) is minimal among v(f_ j). Then (f_ i) = (f_1, \ldots , f_ n). Conversely, assume A is a local domain and every finitely generated ideal of A is principal. Pick f, g \in A and write (f, g) = (h). Then f = ah and g = bh and h = cf + dg for some a, b, c, d \in A. Thus ac + bd = 1 and we see that either a or b is a unit, i.e., either g/f or f/g is an element of A. This shows A is a valuation ring by Lemma 10.50.5.
Lemma 10.50.16. Let (\Gamma , \geq ) be a totally ordered abelian group. Let K be a field. Let v : K^* \to \Gamma be a homomorphism of abelian groups such that v(a + b) \geq \min (v(a), v(b)) for a, b \in K with a, b, a + b not zero. Then
A = \{ x \in K \mid x = 0 \text{ or } v(x) \geq 0 \}
is a valuation ring with value group \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(v) \subset \Gamma , with maximal ideal
\mathfrak m = \{ x \in K \mid x = 0 \text{ or } v(x) > 0 \}
and with group of units
A^* = \{ x \in K^* \mid v(x) = 0 \} .
Let (\Gamma , \geq ) be a totally ordered abelian group. An ideal of \Gamma is a subset I \subset \Gamma such that all elements of I are \geq 0 and \gamma \in I, \gamma ' \geq \gamma implies \gamma ' \in I. We say that such an ideal is prime if 0 \not\in I and if \gamma + \gamma ' \in I, \gamma , \gamma ' \geq 0 \Rightarrow \gamma \in I \text{ or } \gamma ' \in I.
Lemma 10.50.17. Let A be a valuation ring. Ideals in A correspond 1 - 1 with ideals of \Gamma . This bijection is inclusion preserving, and maps prime ideals to prime ideals.
Lemma 10.50.18. A valuation ring is Noetherian if and only if it is a discrete valuation ring or a field.
Suppose A is a discrete valuation ring with valuation v : A \setminus \{ 0\} \to \mathbf{Z} normalized so that \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(v) = \mathbf{Z}_{\geq 0}. By Lemma 10.50.17 the ideals of A are the subsets I_ n = \{ 0\} \cup v^{-1}(\mathbf{Z}_{\geq n}). It is clear that any element x \in A with v(x) = n generates I_ n. Hence A is a PID so certainly Noetherian.
Suppose A is a Noetherian valuation ring with value group \Gamma . By Lemma 10.50.17 we see the ascending chain condition holds for ideals in \Gamma . We may assume A is not a field, i.e., there is a \gamma \in \Gamma with \gamma > 0. Applying the ascending chain condition to the subsets \gamma + \Gamma _{\geq 0} with \gamma > 0 we see there exists a smallest element \gamma _0 which is bigger than 0. Let \gamma \in \Gamma be an element \gamma > 0. Consider the sequence of elements \gamma , \gamma - \gamma _0, \gamma - 2\gamma _0, etc. By the ascending chain condition these cannot all be > 0. Let \gamma - n \gamma _0 be the last one \geq 0. By minimality of \gamma _0 we see that 0 = \gamma - n \gamma _0. Hence \Gamma is a cyclic group as desired.
Comments (4)
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