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Lemma 10.163.9. Let \varphi : R \to S be a ring map. Assume

  1. \varphi is smooth,

  2. R is normal.

Then S is normal.

Proof. Observe that R \to S is flat with regular fibres (see the list of results on smooth ring maps in Section 10.142). In particular, the fibres are normal. Thus if R is Noetherian, then S is Noetherian and we get the result from Lemma 10.163.8.

The general case. First note that R is reduced and hence S is reduced by Lemma 10.163.7. Let \mathfrak q be a prime of S and let \mathfrak p be the corresponding prime of R. Note that R_{\mathfrak p} is a normal domain. We have to show that S_{\mathfrak q} is a normal domain. To do this we may replace R by R_{\mathfrak p} and S by S_{\mathfrak p}. Hence we may assume that R is a normal domain.

Assume R \to S smooth, and R a normal domain. We may find a finitely generated \mathbf{Z}-subalgebra R_0 \subset R and a smooth ring map R_0 \to S_0 such that S \cong R \otimes _{R_0} S_0, see remark (10) in Section 10.142. As R_0 is a Nagata domain (see Proposition 10.162.16) we see that its integral closure R_0' is finite over R_0. Moreover, as R is a normal domain it is clear that R_0' \subset R. Hence we may replace R_0 by R_0' and S_0 by R_0' \otimes _{R_0} S_0 and assume that R_0 is a normal Noetherian domain. By the first paragraph of the proof we conclude that S_0 is a normal ring (it need not be a domain of course). In this way we see that R = \bigcup R_\lambda is the union of normal Noetherian domains and correspondingly S = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits R_\lambda \otimes _{R_0} S_0 is the colimit of normal rings. This implies that S is a normal ring. Some details omitted. \square

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