Remark 10.93.2. Lemma 10.93.1 does not hold without the countable generation assumption. For example, the \mathbf Z-module M = \mathbf{Z}[[x]] is flat and Mittag-Leffler but not projective. It is Mittag-Leffler by Lemma 10.91.4. Subgroups of free abelian groups are free, hence a projective \mathbf Z-module is in fact free and so are its submodules. Thus to show M is not projective it suffices to produce a non-free submodule. Fix a prime p and consider the submodule N consisting of power series f(x) = \sum a_ i x^ i such that for every integer m \geq 1, p^ m divides a_ i for all but finitely many i. Then \sum a_ i p^ i x^ i is in N for all a_ i \in \mathbf{Z}, so N is uncountable. Thus if N were free it would have uncountable rank and the dimension of N/pN over \mathbf{Z}/p would be uncountable. This is not true as the elements x^ i \in N/pN for i \geq 0 span N/pN.
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