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27.6 Vector bundles

Let S be a scheme. Let \mathcal{E} be a quasi-coherent sheaf of \mathcal{O}_ S-modules. By Modules, Lemma 17.21.6 the symmetric algebra \text{Sym}(\mathcal{E}) of \mathcal{E} over \mathcal{O}_ S is a quasi-coherent sheaf of \mathcal{O}_ S-algebras. Hence it makes sense to apply the construction of the previous section to it.

Definition 27.6.1. Let S be a scheme. Let \mathcal{E} be a quasi-coherent \mathcal{O}_ S-module1. The vector bundle associated to \mathcal{E} is

\mathbf{V}(\mathcal{E}) = \underline{\mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}}_ S(\text{Sym}(\mathcal{E})).

The vector bundle associated to \mathcal{E} comes with a bit of extra structure. Namely, we have a grading

\pi _*\mathcal{O}_{\mathbf{V}(\mathcal{E})} = \bigoplus \nolimits _{n \geq 0} \text{Sym}^ n(\mathcal{E}).

which turns \pi _*\mathcal{O}_{\mathbf{V}(\mathcal{E})} into a graded \mathcal{O}_ S-algebra. Conversely, we can recover \mathcal{E} from the degree 1 part of this. Thus we define an abstract vector bundle as follows.

Definition 27.6.2. Let S be a scheme. A vector bundle \pi : V \to S over S is an affine morphism of schemes such that \pi _*\mathcal{O}_ V is endowed with the structure of a graded \mathcal{O}_ S-algebra \pi _*\mathcal{O}_ V = \bigoplus \nolimits _{n \geq 0} \mathcal{E}_ n such that \mathcal{E}_0 = \mathcal{O}_ S and such that the maps

\text{Sym}^ n(\mathcal{E}_1) \longrightarrow \mathcal{E}_ n

are isomorphisms for all n \geq 0. A morphism of vector bundles over S is a morphism f : V \to V' such that the induced map

f^* : \pi '_*\mathcal{O}_{V'} \longrightarrow \pi _*\mathcal{O}_ V

is compatible with the given gradings.

An example of a vector bundle over S is affine n-space \mathbf{A}^ n_ S over S, see Definition 27.5.1. This is true because \mathcal{O}_ S[T_1, \ldots , T_ n] = \text{Sym}(\mathcal{O}_ S^{\oplus n}).

Lemma 27.6.3. The category of vector bundles over a scheme S is anti-equivalent to the category of quasi-coherent \mathcal{O}_ S-modules.

Proof. Omitted. Hint: In one direction one uses the functor \underline{\mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}}_ S(\text{Sym}^*_{\mathcal{O}_ S}(-)) and in the other the functor (\pi : V \to S) \leadsto (\pi _*\mathcal{O}_ V)_1 where the subscript indicates we take the degree 1 part. \square

[1] The reader may expect here the condition that \mathcal{E} is finite locally free. We do not do so in order to be consistent with [II, Definition 1.7.8, EGA].

Comments (7)

Comment #1787 by Arrow on

Shouldn't Lemma 26.6.3 state that geometric vector bundles over a fixed scheme are antiequivalent to locally free modules over it, instead of quasicoherent ones?

Comment #1789 by Matthieu Romagny on

Dear Arrow, you are right in some sense but did you read footnote 1 to Definition 26.6.1?

Comment #5317 by Alexander Duncan on

There is a bijection between the collection of all isomorphism classes of vector bundles of rank n over S to the collection of all isomorphism classes of locally free sheaves of rank n on S. This bijection is not particularly natural. The last exercise in section 2.5 of Hartshorne is giving this bijection.

Comment #6700 by Ivan on

Definition 26.6.1 is missing. I am also curious about why it is quasi-coherent sheaf here.

Comment #6703 by on

@#6700: Look, there is only one footnote on this page; can you please take a look at the footnote.

Comment #9791 by tom on

(Unimportant remark) in the first paragraph does "the construction of the previous section" refer to the relative spec construction of sections 27.3-4 (two sections ago)?

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