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39.10 Actions of group schemes

Let (G, m) be a group and let V be a set. Recall that a (left) action of G on V is given by a map a : G \times V \to V such that

  1. (associativity) a(m(g, g'), v) = a(g, a(g', v)) for all g, g' \in G and v \in V, and

  2. (identity) a(e, v) = v for all v \in V.

We also say that V is a G-set (this usually means we drop the a from the notation – which is abuse of notation). A map of G-sets \psi : V \to V' is any set map such that \psi (a(g, v)) = a(g, \psi (v)) for all v \in V.

Definition 39.10.1. Let S be a scheme. Let (G, m) be a group scheme over S.

  1. An action of G on the scheme X/S is a morphism a : G \times _ S X \to X over S such that for every T/S the map a : G(T) \times X(T) \to X(T) defines the structure of a G(T)-set on X(T).

  2. Suppose that X, Y are schemes over S each endowed with an action of G. An equivariant or more precisely a G-equivariant morphism \psi : X \to Y is a morphism of schemes over S such that for every T/S the map \psi : X(T) \to Y(T) is a morphism of G(T)-sets.

In situation (1) this means that the diagrams
\begin{equation} \label{groupoids-equation-action} \vcenter { \xymatrix{ G \times _ S G \times _ S X \ar[r]_-{1_ G \times a} \ar[d]_{m \times 1_ X} & G \times _ S X \ar[d]^ a \\ G \times _ S X \ar[r]^ a & X } } \quad \quad \vcenter { \xymatrix{ G \times _ S X \ar[r]_-a & X \\ X\ar[u]^{e \times 1_ X} \ar[ru]_{1_ X} } } \end{equation}

are commutative. In situation (2) this just means that the diagram

\xymatrix{ G \times _ S X \ar[r]_-{\text{id} \times \psi } \ar[d]_ a & G \times _ S Y \ar[d]^ a \\ X \ar[r]^\psi & Y }


Definition 39.10.2. Let S, G \to S, and X \to S as in Definition 39.10.1. Let a : G \times _ S X \to X be an action of G on X/S. We say the action is free if for every scheme T over S the action a : G(T) \times X(T) \to X(T) is a free action of the group G(T) on the set X(T).

Lemma 39.10.3. Situation as in Definition 39.10.2, The action a is free if and only if

G \times _ S X \to X \times _ S X, \quad (g, x) \mapsto (a(g, x), x)

is a monomorphism.

Proof. Immediate from the definitions. \square

Comments (2)

Comment #5569 by Lucas das Dores on

Typo: In the diagram describing situation (2) after definition 022Z, the horizontal arrows and should read and respectively.

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