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The Stacks project

History of tag 024N

Go back to the tag's page.

type time link
changed the statement 2010-04-03 70eb816
Etale Morphsms of Schemes: Finished converting unramified
changed the statement 2009-09-09 27893b5
Etale: Started tying the chapter on etale morphisms into the project

	modified:   algebra.tex
	modified:   etale.tex
assigned tag 024N 2009-05-16 fad2e12
Started tags infrastructure

	new file:   scripts/add_tags.py
	modified:   scripts/functions.py
	new file:   tags/initial_tags
	new file:   tags/tags
changed the statement 2009-04-10 13da717
More neurotic changes
changed the statement 2009-04-10 713944e
More neurotic changes
changed the statement 2009-01-12 89433d2
More neurotic cleaning up

	modified:   algebra.tex
	modified:   algebraic.tex
	modified:   categories.tex
	modified:   coding.tex
	modified:   cohomology.tex
	modified:   constructions.tex
	modified:   conventions.tex
	modified:   etale.tex
	modified:   flat.tex
	modified:   fpqc-descent.tex
	modified:   homology.tex
	modified:   hypercovering.tex
	modified:   injectives.tex
	modified:   introduction.tex
	modified:   modules.tex
	modified:   morphisms.tex
	modified:   properties.tex
	modified:   schemes.tex
	new file:   scripts/parse.py
	modified:   sets.tex
	modified:   sheaves.tex
	modified:   simplicial.tex
	modified:   sites.tex
	modified:   spaces.tex
	modified:   stacks-groupoids.tex
	modified:   stacks.tex
	modified:   topology.tex
changed the statement 2008-09-22 4a23f7e
Made lines at most 80 characters wide.

	modified:   algebra.tex
	modified:   etale.tex
	modified:   flat.tex
	modified:   injectives.tex
	modified:   sites.tex
created statement with label definition-unramified-schemes in etale.tex 2008-05-20 3d32323
Initial commit
	new file: COPYING
	new file: Makefile
	new file: algebraic.tex
	new file: categories.tex
	new file: conventions.tex
	new file: desirables.tex
	new file: documentation/dontdiff
	new file: documentation/submitting-patches
	new file: etale.tex
	new file: fdl.tex
	new file: flat.tex
	new file: hypercovering.tex
	new file: injectives.tex
	new file: introduction.tex
	new file: my.bib
	new file: schemes.tex
	new file: scripts/change_preamble.sh
	new file: scripts/concat.sh
	new file: scripts/contents_html.sh
	new file: scripts/downloads_html.sh
	new file: scripts/stacks_html.sh
	new file: sets.tex
	new file: sites.tex
	new file: stacks-groupoids.tex
	new file: stacks.tex
	new file: template.tex