Exercise 111.5.2. Find an injection M_1 \to M_2 of A-modules such that M_1\otimes N \to M_2 \otimes N is not injective in the following cases:
A = k[x, y] and N = (x, y) \subset A. (Here and below k is a field.)
A = k[x, y] and N = A/(x, y).
Exercise 111.5.2. Find an injection M_1 \to M_2 of A-modules such that M_1\otimes N \to M_2 \otimes N is not injective in the following cases:
A = k[x, y] and N = (x, y) \subset A. (Here and below k is a field.)
A = k[x, y] and N = A/(x, y).
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