Exercise 111.22.6. Let A be a ring.
Suppose that M is a finite locally free A-module, and suppose that \varphi : M \to M is an endomorphism. Define/construct the trace and determinant of \varphi and prove that your construction is “functorial in the triple (A, M, \varphi )”.
Show that if M, N are finite locally free A-modules, and if \varphi : M \to N and \psi : N \to M then \text{Trace}(\varphi \circ \psi ) = \text{Trace}(\psi \circ \varphi ) and \det (\varphi \circ \psi ) = \det (\psi \circ \varphi ).
In case M is finite locally free show that \text{Trace} defines an A-linear map \text{End}_ A(M) \to A and \det defines a multiplicative map \text{End}_ A(M) \to A.
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