History of tag 02L6
Go back to the tag's page.
type |
time |
link |
changed the proof
2012-05-21 |
f258fb9 |
move a chapter and rename a chapter
We moved the chapter "Cohomology of Algebraic Spaces" earlier so
we can use the results earlier in the treatment of algebraic
spaces. Also, we finally renamed the chapter "Coherent
Cohomology" to "Cohomology of Schemes" which is better.
changed the proof
2010-06-06 |
b504204 |
Etale local on the source-and-target
Absurdly detailed discussion of three different notions of what
it can mean for a property of morphisms of schemes to be etale
local on the source and target. We choose the strongest of the
three to avoid confusion that will inevitably arise when picking
one of the other two. Moreover, it will be nicely compatible
with the notion (to be introduced in the next commit) of what it
means for a property of morphisms of germs to be etale local on
the source and target.
moved the statement to file descent.tex
2009-08-20 |
760ca2e |
Renamed fpqc-descent.tex descent.tex
modified: Makefile
modified: algebraic.tex
modified: browse.html
modified: chapters.tex
renamed: fpqc-descent.tex -> descent.tex
modified: groupoids.tex
modified: more-morphisms.tex
modified: morphisms.tex
modified: preamble.tex
modified: scripts/functions.py
modified: spaces.tex
modified: stacks.tex
modified: tags/Makefile
modified: tags/tags
assigned tag 02L6
2009-06-15 |
Added new tags to the file tags/tags
modified: tags/tags
changed the proof
2009-06-15 |
2b24a76 |
Removed horrible lemma which was completely wrongheaded.
Fixed proof that open immersions are fpqc local on the base
Fixed proof that isomorphisms are fpqc local on the base
Added proof that quasi-compact immersions are fpqc local on the base
Added a fun lemma on scheme theoretic image of quasi-compact morphism
Added lemma stating that quasi-compact immersions are quasi-affine
modified: fpqc-descent.tex
modified: morphisms.tex
created statement with label lemma-descending-property-closed-immersion in fpqc-descent.tex
2009-06-12 |
b57cd81 |
Descending properties of morphisms and related lemmas
modified: algebra.tex
modified: fpqc-descent.tex
modified: morphisms.tex