History of tag 02VP
Go back to the tag's page.
type |
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changed the statement
2009-12-14 |
aa6161c |
Properties of Spaces: Quasi-coherent sheaves in terms of a presentation
In addition we introduced the abstract notion of a
quasi-coherent sheaf on a groupoid, as well as a G-equivariant
sheaf on a scheme endowed with an action of a group scheme.
moved the statement to file descent.tex
2009-08-20 |
760ca2e |
Renamed fpqc-descent.tex descent.tex
modified: Makefile
modified: algebraic.tex
modified: browse.html
modified: chapters.tex
renamed: fpqc-descent.tex -> descent.tex
modified: groupoids.tex
modified: more-morphisms.tex
modified: morphisms.tex
modified: preamble.tex
modified: scripts/functions.py
modified: spaces.tex
modified: stacks.tex
modified: tags/Makefile
modified: tags/tags
assigned tag 02VP
2009-07-18 |
Added new tags to stacks project
modified: tags/tags
created statement with label remark-easier in fpqc-descent.tex
2009-07-17 |
8f31b48 |
Towards a better descent
modified: fpqc-descent.tex
modified: groupoids.tex
modified: spaces.tex