History of tag 0381
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type |
time |
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changed the statement and the proof
2022-01-23 |
9cee969 |
Try to use L/K notation for field extensions
We could also try to consistenly use "field extension" and not just
"extension" and consistently use "ring extension", etc.
changed the statement
2012-05-01 |
19fcc8a |
Geometrically regular over separable algebraic
Besides some small changes this commit contains the following
result: If k ---> k' ---> A are ring maps with k'/k an algebraic
separable extension, then A is geometrically regular over k if
and only if A is geometrically regular over k'. This takes a bit
of work to prove as you have to "think about it right".
changed the proof
2012-04-22 |
3dc7b90 |
Initial material on singular locus
assigned tag 0381
2009-09-04 |
Added new tags
modified: tags/tags
created statement with label lemma-geometrically-regular in algebra.tex
2009-09-04 |
a131b96 |
Algebra: Geometrically regular rings
TODO: The exact same arguments can be used to handle
Cohen-Macaulay, (R_k), (S_k) and coprof < k. These can be
dealt with later as needed.
modified: algebra.tex