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64.7 Filtered derived category

It turns out we have to do it all again and build the filtered derived category also.

Definition 64.7.1. Let \mathcal{A} be an abelian category.

  1. Let \text{Fil}(\mathcal{A}) be the category of filtered objects (A, F) of \mathcal{A}, where F is a filtration of the form

    A \supset \ldots \supset F^ n A \supset F^{n+1}A \supset \ldots \supset 0.

    This is an additive category.

  2. We denote \text{Fil}^ f(\mathcal{A}) the full subcategory of \text{Fil}(\mathcal{A}) whose objects (A, F) have finite filtration. This is also an additive category.

  3. An object I \in \text{Fil}^ f(\mathcal{A}) is called filtered injective (respectively projective) provided that \text{gr}^ p(I) = \text{gr}_ F^ p(I) = F^ pI/F^{p+1}I is injective (resp. projective) in \mathcal{A} for all p.

  4. The category of complexes \text{Comp}(\text{Fil}^ f(\mathcal{A})) \supset \text{Comp}^+(\text{Fil}^ f(\mathcal{A})) and its homotopy category K(\text{Fil}^ f(\mathcal{A})) \supset K^+(\text{Fil}^ f(\mathcal A)) are defined as before.

  5. A morphism \alpha : K^\bullet \to L^\bullet of complexes in \text{Comp}(\text{Fil}^ f(\mathcal{A})) is called a filtered quasi-isomorphism provided that

    \text{gr}^ p(\alpha ): \text{gr}^ p(K^\bullet ) \to \text{gr}^ p(L^\bullet )

    is a quasi-isomorphism for all p \in \mathbf{Z}.

  6. We define DF(\mathcal{A}) (resp. DF^+(\mathcal{A})) by inverting the filtered quasi-isomorphisms in K(\text{Fil}^ f(\mathcal{A})) (resp. K^+(\text{Fil}^ f(\mathcal{A}))).

Lemma 64.7.2. If \mathcal{A} has enough injectives, then DF^+(\mathcal{A}) \cong K^+(\mathcal{I}), where \mathcal{I} is the full additive subcategory of \text{Fil}^ f(\mathcal{A}) consisting of filtered injective objects. Similarly, if \mathcal{A} has enough projectives, then DF^-(\mathcal{A}) \cong K^-(\mathcal{P}), where \mathcal P is the full additive subcategory of \text{Fil}^ f(\mathcal{A}) consisting of filtered projective objects.

Proof. Omitted. \square

Comments (2)

Comment #5000 by Lenny Taelman on

I presume this was added before 05RX (from the preliminaries part, chapter derived categories), and is now obsolete?

Comment #5001 by on

Yes. I should probably move this into the obsolete chapter. But this whole chapter needs to be improved drastically. Also, I think we can improve on the exposition of Section 13.13.

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