64.32 Counting points
Let X be a smooth, geometrically irreducible, projective curve over k and q = \# k. The trace formula gives: there exists algebraic integers w_1, \ldots , w_{2g} such that
If \sigma \in \text{Aut}(X) then for all i, there exists j such that \sigma (w_ i)=w_ j.
Riemann-Hypothesis. For all i we have |\omega _ i| = \sqrt{q}.
This was formulated by Emil Artin, in 1924, for hyperelliptic curves. Proved by Weil 1940. Weil gave two proofs
using intersection theory on X \times X, using the Hodge index theorem, and
using the Jacobian of X.
There is another proof whose initial idea is due to Stephanov, and which was given by Bombieri: it uses the function field k(X) and its Frobenius operator (1969). The starting point is that given f\in k(X) one observes that f^ q - f is a rational function which vanishes in all the \mathbf{F}_ q-rational points of X, and that one can try to use this idea to give an upper bound for the number of points.
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