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The Stacks project

History of tag 040I

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type time link
changed the proof 2013-05-12 b078e9c
Fix a statement in topologies.tex

Also added a few of the omitted proofs
assigned tag 040I 2010-01-17 aeaa969
Tags: added new tags
created statement with label lemma-disjoint-union-is-fpqc-covering in topologies.tex 2010-01-15 bb61741
Descent: morphisms of schemes satisfy fpqc descent

	We edited the descent chapter to improve our exposition,
	prompted by a question of Thanos D. Papaïoannou, namely

	"Do morphisms of algebraic spaces satisfy fpqc descent?"

	Here is one answer:

	Suppose X, Y are algebraic spaces over an affine base S. Suppose
	that S' --> S is a surjective flat morphism of affine schemes.
	Finally suppose that a' : X_{S'} --> Y_{S'} is a morphism of
	algebraic spaces over S' which is compatible with the canonical
	descent data. Now you want to know if a' descends to a morphism
	a : X --> Y over S.

	If X, Y are representable, then this is Descent, Lemma Tag 02W0.
	See also the explanation in the remark following that lemma. The
	proof is kind of long since I tried to prove somehow more
	general statements in that section. The key is Descent Lemma Tag
	0241. It mainly relies on the fact that the representable
	presheaf associated to a scheme satisfies the sheaf condition
	for the fpqc topology (which is Descent, Lemma Tag 023Q). The
	analogue for this in the category of algebraic spaces is
	Properties of Spaces, Lemma Tag 03WB but there is a condition,
	namely that the algebraic space is Zariski locally quasi-separated.

	So I do not know how to prove this descent in general, and it
	may not be true. But it is true for Zariski locally
	quasi-separated spaces. Eventually we will state this descent
	property explicitly in the stacks project.

	Any algebraic space in the literature, say published before year
	2000, is quasi-separated (since there are basically no
	references which deal with more general ones). Hence fpqc
	descent for morphisms of algebraic spaces is true for any
	algebraic spaces which you can find in these articles/books.