History of tag 046Y
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type |
time |
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changed the proof
2013-12-22 |
e179438 |
Introduced a macro
and replace all occurrences of \text{Ker} with \Ker
changed the statement
2010-08-30 |
f68a756 |
Fix snafus
Also added some more sections to divide up the material a bit
assigned tag 046Y
2010-02-20 |
Tags: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-mod-injective-general in algebra.tex
2010-01-30 |
68883e8 |
Algebra: Grothendieck's lemma for finite presentation case
We added the non-Noetherian case of what we like to call
Grothendieck's lemma. It says that if R --> S is a flat and
essentially of finite presentation local map of local rings, and
if f is in the maximal ideal such that f maps to a nonzero
divisor on S/m_RS, then f is a nonzero divisor on S and S/fS is
flat over R.
There is also a more general statement for modules.
See EGA IV 11.3.7.
For some reason we did not have this version of Grothendieck's
lemma and it may be that some of the arguments in the algebra
chapter may be simplified by using this lemma.