The Stacks project

History of tag 04L9

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type time link
changed the statement 2011-08-10 65ce54f
LaTeX: \Spec

	Introduced the macro

	\def\Spec{\mathop{\rm Spec}}

	and changed all the occurences of \text{Spec} into \Spec.
assigned tag 04L9 2010-05-23 7a316a7
Tags: added new tags
created statement with label remark-warning-group-scheme-geometrically-irreducible in groupoids.tex 2010-05-20 906feb1
Groupoids on field

	We started adding some material on groupoid schemes (U, R, s, t,
	c) where U is the spectrum of a field. This is quite similar to
	the material on group schemes over a field, but a bit more
	techinical. The goal is to show that dim(R) = dim(G) for such a
	groupoid scheme provided that s and t are locally of finite
	type. Coming up...