Lemma 40.10.6. Let S be a scheme. Let (U, R, s, t, c) be a groupoid scheme over S. Assume U = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k) with k a field. If r \in R is a point such that s, t induce isomorphisms k \to \kappa (r), then the map
R \longrightarrow R, \quad x \longmapsto c(r, x)
(see proof for precise notation) is an automorphism R \to R which maps e to r.
This is completely obvious if you think about groupoids in a functorial way. But we will also spell it out completely. Denote a : U \to R the morphism with image r such that s \circ a = \text{id}_ U which exists by the hypothesis that s : k \to \kappa (r) is an isomorphism. Similarly, denote b : U \to R the morphism with image r such that t \circ b = \text{id}_ U. Note that b = a \circ (t \circ a)^{-1}, in particular a \circ s \circ b = b.
Consider the morphism \Psi : R \to R given on T-valued points by
(f : T \to R) \longmapsto (c(a \circ t \circ f, f) : T \to R)
To see this is defined we have to check that s \circ a \circ t \circ f = t \circ f which is obvious as s \circ a = 1. Note that \Phi (e) = a, so that in order to prove the lemma it suffices to show that \Phi is an automorphism of R. Let \Phi : R \to R be the morphism given on T-valued points by
(g : T \to R) \longmapsto (c(i \circ b \circ t \circ g, g) : T \to R).
This is defined because s \circ i \circ b \circ t \circ g = t \circ b \circ t \circ g = t \circ g. We claim that \Phi and \Psi are inverse to each other. To see this we compute
\begin{align*} & c(a \circ t \circ c(i \circ b \circ t \circ g, g), c(i \circ b \circ t \circ g, g)) \\ & = c(a \circ t \circ i \circ b \circ t \circ g, c(i \circ b \circ t \circ g, g)) \\ & = c(a \circ s \circ b \circ t \circ g, c(i \circ b \circ t \circ g, g)) \\ & = c(b \circ t \circ g, c(i \circ b \circ t \circ g, g)) \\ & = c(c(b \circ t \circ g, i \circ b \circ t \circ g), g)) \\ & = c(e, g) \\ & = g \end{align*}
where we have used the relation a \circ s \circ b = b shown above. In the other direction we have
\begin{align*} & c(i \circ b \circ t \circ c(a \circ t \circ f, f), c(a \circ t \circ f, f)) \\ & = c(i \circ b \circ t \circ a \circ t \circ f, c(a \circ t \circ f, f)) \\ & = c(i \circ a \circ (t \circ a)^{-1} \circ t \circ a \circ t \circ f, c(a \circ t \circ f, f)) \\ & = c(i \circ a \circ t \circ f, c(a \circ t \circ f, f)) \\ & = c(c(i \circ a \circ t \circ f, a \circ t \circ f), f) \\ & = c(e, f) \\ & = f \end{align*}
The lemma is proved.
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