History of tag 04YY
Go back to the tag's page.
type |
time |
link |
changed the statement and the proof
2016-06-21 |
612aefc |
Valuative criteria for morphisms of stacks
Just the beginning.
changed the statement
2015-06-16 |
b1005fe |
Fix latex code
changed the statement and the proof
2015-06-16 |
8210400 |
Here's a suggestion for the first lemma of TAG 04YX. It's my first time
trying to help out with the Stacks Project. Please let me know if there
is a more efficient way to do this. (The text below starts at the second
paragraph of the Tag.) In the text preceding the paragraph I wrote $K =
K_{f,x}$ to emphasize that $K$ depends on $f$ and $x$.
changed the proof
2011-08-12 |
dd4090b |
LaTeX: Remove useless brackets
changed the proof
2010-07-18 |
b543971 |
Noetherian algebraic stacks
Just the definition so far.
changed the statement and the proof
2010-07-16 |
c556ee2 |
Improved discussion second diagonal
assigned tag 04YY
2010-07-14 |
Tags: added new tags
created statement with label lemma-second-diagonal in stacks-morphisms.tex
2010-07-11 |
71ff241 |
Defining separated morphisms
First stab.