History of tag 06UQ
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type |
time |
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changed the proof
2014-08-28 |
afd886c |
Fix typo and English
Thanks to correction_bot
changed the statement
2014-08-10 |
1b1865e |
abelian --> triangulated in derived.tex
Thanks to Charles Rezk
changed the proof
2011-10-01 |
07d3077 |
Tags: added new tags
changed the statement and the proof
2011-09-24 |
007d369 |
Fix snafu regarding "Serre subcategories"
Wasn't careful enough to spell out exactly what was needed to define
the subcategory of complexes with cohomology in a subcategory. There
does not seem to be universal agreement on what is a "thick"
subcategory of an abelian category, so we decided to not use this
terminology. Instead we used "weak Serre subcategory" to indicate a
strictly full subcategory closed under kernels and cokernels.
Let me know if you disagree with this terminology.
assigned tag 06UQ
2011-07-20 |
Tags: Added new tags
Also fixed a couple of references
created statement with label lemma-cohomology-in-serre-subcategory in derived.tex
2011-07-20 |
1c07574 |
Adequate modules
This material is a bit speculative. The idea is to find the
smallest abelian subcategory of all sheaves of modules on a big
site which contains the quasi-coherent ones. We succeed in doing
this and characterizing these sheaves. However, there are some
further issues with this category, one of them being that it
isn't closed under tensor product...