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History of tag 06ZH

Go back to the tag's page.

type time link
changed the statement and the proof 2017-04-11 04fef69
New macro: \Ext
changed the proof 2013-12-22 5b9bcfb

Introduced a new macro


and replaced all occurrences of \text{Coker} by \Coker
changed the proof 2013-12-22 e179438

Introduced a macro


and replace all occurrences of \text{Ker} with \Ker
assigned tag 06ZH 2011-08-04 19351ae
Tags: Added new tags
changed the statement and the proof 2011-08-02 888eb9e
Satelites of the adequator
created statement with label lemma-ext-group-zero in adequate.tex 2011-08-02 a2709ef
Key lemma on exts of module-valued functors