History of tag 07BA
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changed the proof
2022-06-30 |
17d302f |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the proof
2022-06-27 |
87118c9 |
Sketch of proof of QC = D_QCoh for algebraic stack
changed the statement and the proof
2022-01-05 |
1f9285c |
Make notation for modules on stacks more uniform
It is possible that these changes make the problem worse!
moved the statement to file stacks-perfect.tex
2013-02-22 |
50a9d1d |
Split chapter Cohomology of Stacks; added new chapter
Reason: Same structure as for schemes and spaces
New chapter added to the project
Filename: stacks-perfect.tex
Title: Derived Categories of Stacks
assigned tag 07BA
2011-12-07 |
TAGS: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-bousfield-colocalization in stacks-cohomology.tex
2011-12-06 |
d1792e0 |
Derived categories of quasi-coherent sheaves
This introduces quite a bit of new material on D_{QCoh}(X) for
algebraic stacks X. In particular it writes out completely the
comparison with the definition in Martin Olsson's paper and it
shows how to do derived pushforward.
Finally, we state the approach to derived pullback, but for the
moment the proof is missing.