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The Stacks project

History of tag 07JG

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type time link
changed the proof 2018-02-01 5f68e77
Add reference to a lemma

Thanks to Lei Zhang
changed the proof 2016-03-31 b1aa2d1
Fixed the capitalization of the Stacks project

Consistently refer to the Stacks project as "the Stacks project" in the
changed the proof 2012-02-22 118f702
Some results from paper Bhatt-de Jong
changed the proof 2012-02-21 a0282f0
Completion of divided power algebras

	This is completely trivial, but it is confusing and hence
	important to get right.
changed the proof 2012-02-20 a18fac8
Clean up
assigned tag 07JG 2012-02-12 2d9c642
Tags: Added new tags
changed the proof 2012-02-12 2d9c642
Tags: Added new tags
changed the statement 2012-02-10 9441b24
Compute crystalline cohomology of quasi-coherent module over an affine

	This is the usual ``Cech-Alexander'' complex.
changed the statement and the proof 2012-02-10 7798d58

	Thanks to Bhargav Bhatt for pointing out inconsistent notation.
changed the statement and the proof 2012-02-09 17f010b
Crystals in QCoh <---> Modules with connections

	This is really an essentially trivial observation, but there is
	a lot of notation that obfuscates what is going on.
created statement with label lemma-crystals-on-affine in crystalline.tex 2012-02-08 11d659c
Differentials of divided power envelopes

	Seems like a very general property but it seems hard to put your
	finger on exactly what is going on here...