History of tag 07YU
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changed the proof
2013-03-27 |
ba00249 |
New macro: \NL for naive cotangent complex
The naive cotangent complex is an important ingredient to several
topics discussed in the Stacks project. It deserves its own macro.
changed the statement
2013-03-27 |
c0b15e3 |
Excise finite type conditions
We need to have the functors T_x and Inf_x for all modules not just
for finite type ones. This actually simplifies the discussion a
tiny bit as we don't have to carry along the finite type conditions
Thanks to David Rydh for pointing this out (see
commit 2ccbbe3087e4dc2b1df2193c81ede7486931424c for more
assigned tag 07YU
2012-07-03 |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the proof
2012-07-03 |
65e41c9 |
Sharpen criterion openness versality
Just having a single map with two properties is enough...
created statement with label lemma-naive-obstruction-theory-gives-openness in artin.tex
2012-06-28 |
d82e033 |
Some material about obstruction theories
This includes the notion of a naive obstruction theory and a
proof that such a thing is good enough to give openness of
versality. This was introduced on the blog
It is just working out what you would get if you actually had an
algebraic stack. It seems likely that Artin was motivated in
formulating his axioms by the idea that such a thing should
Hopefully we can use this to prove openness of versality for
some nice cases such as families of proper flat algebraic
spaces... We'll see.