History of tag 08AR
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type |
time |
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changed the proof
2021-07-10 |
7f0047f |
fix a typo (small change)
changed the proof
2021-07-10 |
2012ff9 |
remove a duplicate word (small change)
changed the proof
2012-12-19 |
dc791cb |
Fix a proof
Not really wrong, but a bit confusing.
assigned tag 08AR
2012-12-11 |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the proof
2012-10-23 |
e8e1f40 |
Spell out finiteness over Noetherian ring
created statement with label lemma-proper-pushforward-coherent in spaces-cohomology.tex
2012-10-23 |
afd147e |
Finiteness cohomology coherent sheaves proper spaces
No surprises. Decided to avoid using clever spectral sequence argument
and instead use vanishing of higher direct images for a high power
of a relatively ample sheaf as in the schemes case.
The discussion at the end of the proof of why the scheme theoretic
support of the sheaf G is all of Z is perhaps a bit too detailed.