History of tag 08T4
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changed the proof
2013-03-29 |
4ec7608 |
Add obstruction theory for morphisms of ringed spaces and topoi
A bit rough...
changed the label to lemma-triangle-ringed-spaces
2013-03-29 |
c245446 |
A bit more on cotangent complexes
changed the statement
2013-03-29 |
c245446 |
A bit more on cotangent complexes
assigned tag 08T4
2013-03-17 |
Tags: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-triangle-schemes in cotangent.tex
2013-03-15 |
49dbb9c |
Ok, so now we get all kinds of goodies on cotangent complexes for free
We can use the same simple types of arguments to show every works as
expected for morphisms of algebraic spaces (using small etale sites).