History of tag 090B
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type |
time |
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changed the proof
2024-05-22 |
a6439c2 |
Fix argument in topology
Thanks to Peter Fleischmann
changed the statement and the proof
2018-02-01 |
b7f7913 |
Missing hypothesis in lemma
Thanks to Jakub Byszewski
assigned tag 090B
2013-06-11 |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the label to lemma-rainwater
2013-06-11 |
05ce5ed |
A bit more about pro-etale functoriality
changed the statement and the proof
2013-06-11 |
05ce5ed |
A bit more about pro-etale functoriality
created statement with label lemma-quotient-of-extremally-disconnected in topology.tex
2013-05-10 |
2b9e6e0 |
Fix an error
It isn't clear that a closed subset of an extremally disconnected
space is extremally disconnected -- something that was tacitly
assumed in one of the arguments.
Is there a counter example...?