History of tag 09V3
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type |
time |
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changed the statement
2016-11-07 |
3b84fd2 |
Fix compile problem
changed the statement and the proof
2016-11-07 |
2fcc073 |
Upgrade proper base change theorem in topology
Thanks to Brian Conrad who writes
"Johan, I noticed that the Stacks Project has a proper base change theorem
in topology, but it is plagued by unnecessary hypotheses. In
SGA4, Exp. V_{bis}, 4.1, 4.2 Deligne gives a very slick proof of that
base-change isomorphism for proper maps between arbitrary topological
spaces, where proper := separated + universal closed =
separated + closed + compact fibers. This generality deserves to be
more widely known."
The proof in the Stacks project is not as slick because we don't use the
notion of "mou" sheaves. (Wikipedia says "mou" = "soft".) Our approach
uses Cech cohomology and therefore needs some lemmas on the existence of
suitable open coverings...
assigned tag 09V3
2013-12-27 |
Tags: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-cohomology-of-closed in cohomology.tex
2013-12-27 |
3ea6703 |
Cohomology on locally compact spaces
We continue with the somewhat awkward terminology where we say
"Hausdorff and locally quasi-compact" in stead of "locally compact".