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20 Cohomology of Sheaves
Section 20.1: Introduction
Section 20.2: Cohomology of sheaves
Section 20.3: Derived functors
Section 20.4: First cohomology and torsors
Section 20.5: First cohomology and extensions
Section 20.6: First cohomology and invertible sheaves
Section 20.7: Locality of cohomology
Section 20.8: Mayer-Vietoris
Section 20.9: The Čech complex and Čech cohomology
Section 20.10: Čech cohomology as a functor on presheaves
Section 20.11: Čech cohomology and cohomology
Section 20.12: Flasque sheaves
Section 20.13: The Leray spectral sequence
Section 20.14: Functoriality of cohomology
Section 20.15: Refinements and Čech cohomology
Section 20.16: Cohomology on Hausdorff quasi-compact spaces
Section 20.17: The base change map
Section 20.18: Proper base change in topology
Section 20.19: Cohomology and colimits
Section 20.20: Vanishing on Noetherian topological spaces
Section 20.21: Cohomology with support in a closed subset
Section 20.22: Cohomology on spectral spaces
Section 20.23: The alternating Čech complex
Section 20.24: Alternative view of the Čech complex
Section 20.25: Čech cohomology of complexes
Section 20.26: Flat resolutions
Section 20.27: Derived pullback
Section 20.28: Cohomology of unbounded complexes
Section 20.29: Cohomology of filtered complexes
Section 20.30: Godement resolution
Section 20.31: Cup product
Section 20.32: Some properties of K-injective complexes
Section 20.33: Unbounded Mayer-Vietoris
Section 20.34: Cohomology with support in a closed subset, II
Section 20.35: Inverse systems and cohomology, I
Section 20.36: Inverse systems and cohomology, II
Section 20.37: Derived limits
Section 20.38: Producing K-injective resolutions
Section 20.39: Inverse systems and cohomology, III
Section 20.40: Čech cohomology of unbounded complexes
Section 20.41: Hom complexes
Section 20.42: Internal hom in the derived category
Section 20.43: Ext sheaves
Section 20.44: Global derived hom
Section 20.45: Glueing complexes
Section 20.46: Strictly perfect complexes
Section 20.47: Pseudo-coherent modules
Section 20.48: Tor dimension
Section 20.49: Perfect complexes
Section 20.50: Duals
Section 20.51: Miscellany
Section 20.52: Invertible objects in the derived category
Section 20.53: Compact objects
Section 20.54: Projection formula
Section 20.55: An operator introduced by Berthelot and Ogus