Proposition 20.20.7 (Grothendieck). Let X be a Noetherian topological space. If \dim (X) \leq d, then H^ p(X, \mathcal{F}) = 0 for all p > d and any abelian sheaf \mathcal{F} on X.
[Theorem 3.6.5, Tohoku].
Proof. We prove this lemma by induction on d. So fix d and assume the lemma holds for all Noetherian topological spaces of dimension < d.
Let \mathcal{F} be an abelian sheaf on X. Suppose U \subset X is an open. Let Z \subset X denote the closed complement. Denote j : U \to X and i : Z \to X the inclusion maps. Then there is a short exact sequence
see Modules, Lemma 17.7.1. Note that j_!j^*\mathcal{F} is supported on the topological closure Z' of U, i.e., it is of the form i'_*\mathcal{F}' for some abelian sheaf \mathcal{F}' on Z', where i' : Z' \to X is the inclusion.
We can use this to reduce to the case where X is irreducible. Namely, according to Topology, Lemma 5.9.2 X has finitely many irreducible components. If X has more than one irreducible component, then let Z \subset X be an irreducible component of X and set U = X \setminus Z. By the above, and the long exact sequence of cohomology, it suffices to prove the vanishing of H^ p(X, i_*i^*\mathcal{F}) and H^ p(X, i'_*\mathcal{F}') for p > d. By Lemma 20.20.1 it suffices to prove H^ p(Z, i^*\mathcal{F}) and H^ p(Z', \mathcal{F}') vanish for p > d. Since Z' and Z have fewer irreducible components we indeed reduce to the case of an irreducible X.
If d = 0 and X is irreducible, then X is the only nonempty open subset of X. Hence every sheaf is constant and higher cohomology groups vanish (for example by Lemma 20.20.2).
Suppose X is irreducible of dimension d > 0. By Lemma 20.20.4 we reduce to the case where \mathcal{F} = j_!\underline{\mathbf{Z}}_ U for some open U \subset X. In this case we look at the short exact sequence
where Z = X \setminus U. By Lemma 20.20.2 we have the vanishing of H^ p(X, \underline{\mathbf{Z}}_ X) for all p \geq 1. By induction we have H^ p(X, i_*\underline{\mathbf{Z}}_ Z) = H^ p(Z, \underline{\mathbf{Z}}_ Z) = 0 for p \geq d. Hence we win by the long exact cohomology sequence. \square
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