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20.36 Inverse systems and cohomology, II

This section continues the discussion in Section 20.35 in the setting where the ideal is principal.

Lemma 20.36.1. Let (X, \mathcal{O}_ X) be a ringed space. Let f \in \Gamma (X, \mathcal{O}_ X). Let

\ldots \to \mathcal{F}_3 \to \mathcal{F}_2 \to \mathcal{F}_1

be inverse system of \mathcal{O}_ X-modules. Consider the conditions

  1. for all n \geq 1 the map f : \mathcal{F}_{n + 1} \to \mathcal{F}_{n + 1} factors through \mathcal{F}_{n + 1} \to \mathcal{F}_ n to give a short exact sequence 0 \to \mathcal{F}_ n \to \mathcal{F}_{n + 1} \to \mathcal{F}_1 \to 0,

  2. for all n \geq 1 the map f^ n : \mathcal{F}_{n + 1} \to \mathcal{F}_{n + 1} factors through \mathcal{F}_{n + 1} \to \mathcal{F}_1 to give a short exact sequence 0 \to \mathcal{F}_1 \to \mathcal{F}_{n + 1} \to \mathcal{F}_ n \to 0

  3. there exists an \mathcal{O}_ X-module \mathcal{G} which is f-divisible such that \mathcal{F}_ n = \mathcal{G}[f^ n], and

  4. there exists an \mathcal{O}_ X-module \mathcal{F} which is f-torsion free such that \mathcal{F}_ n = \mathcal{F}/f^ n\mathcal{F}.

Then (4) \Rightarrow (3) \Leftrightarrow (2) \Leftrightarrow (1).

Proof. We omit the proof of the equivalence of (1) and (2). We omit the proof that (3) implies (1). Given \mathcal{F}_ n as in (1) to prove (3) we set \mathcal{G} = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits \mathcal{F}_ n where the maps \mathcal{F}_1 \to \mathcal{F}_2 \to \mathcal{F}_3 \to \ldots are as in (1). The map f : \mathcal{G} \to \mathcal{G} is surjective as the image of \mathcal{F}_{n + 1} \subset \mathcal{G} is \mathcal{F}_ n \subset \mathcal{G} by the short exact sequence (1). Thus \mathcal{G} is an f-divisible \mathcal{O}_ X-module with \mathcal{F}_ n = \mathcal{G}[f^ n].

Assume given \mathcal{F} as in (4). The map \mathcal{F}/f^{n + 1}\mathcal{F} \to \mathcal{F}/f^ n\mathcal{F} is always surjective with kernel the image of the map \mathcal{F}/f\mathcal{F} \to \mathcal{F}/f^{n + 1}\mathcal{F} induced by multiplication with f^ n. To verify (2) it suffices to see that the kernel of f^ n : \mathcal{F} \to \mathcal{F}/f^{n + 1}\mathcal{F} is f\mathcal{F}. To see this it suffices to show that given sections s, t of \mathcal{F} over an open U \subset X with f^ ns = f^{n + 1}t we have s = ft. This is clear because f : \mathcal{F} \to \mathcal{F} is injective as \mathcal{F} is f-torsion free. \square

Lemma 20.36.2. Suppose X, f, (\mathcal{F}_ n) satisfy condition (1) of Lemma 20.36.1. Let p \geq 0 and set H^ p = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits H^ p(X, \mathcal{F}_ n). Then f^ cH^ p is the kernel of H^ p \to H^ p(X, \mathcal{F}_ c) for all c \geq 1. Thus the limit topology on H^ p is the f-adic topology.

Proof. Let c \geq 1. It is clear that f^ c H^ p maps to zero in H^ p(X, \mathcal{F}_ c). If \xi = (\xi _ n) \in H^ p is small in the limit topology, then \xi _ c = 0, and hence \xi _ n maps to zero in H^ p(X, \mathcal{F}_ c) for n \geq c. Consider the inverse system of short exact sequences

0 \to \mathcal{F}_{n - c} \xrightarrow {f^ c} \mathcal{F}_ n \to \mathcal{F}_ c \to 0

and the corresponding inverse system of long exact cohomology sequences

H^{p - 1}(X, \mathcal{F}_ c) \to H^ p(X, \mathcal{F}_{n - c}) \to H^ p(X, \mathcal{F}_ n) \to H^ p(X, \mathcal{F}_ c)

Since the term H^{p - 1}(X, \mathcal{F}_ c) is independent of n we can choose a compatible sequence of elements \xi '_ n \in H^ p(X, \mathcal{F}_{n - c}) lifting \xi _ n. Setting \xi ' = (\xi '_ n) we see that \xi = f^ c \xi ' as desired. \square

Lemma 20.36.3. Let A be a Noetherian ring complete with respect to a principal ideal (f). Let X be a topological space. Let

\ldots \to \mathcal{F}_3 \to \mathcal{F}_2 \to \mathcal{F}_1

be an inverse system of sheaves of A-modules. Assume

  1. \Gamma (X, \mathcal{F}_1) is a finite A-module,

  2. X, f, (\mathcal{F}_ n) satisfy condition (1) of Lemma 20.36.1.


M = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits \Gamma (X, \mathcal{F}_ n)

is a finite A-module, f is a nonzerodivisor on M, and M/fM is the image of M in \Gamma (X, \mathcal{F}_1).

Proof. By Lemma 20.36.2 we have M/fM \subset H^0(X, \mathcal{F}_1). From (1) and the Noetherian property of A we get that M/fM is a finite A-module. Observe that \bigcap f^ nM = 0 as f^ nM maps to zero in H^0(X, \mathcal{F}_ n). By Algebra, Lemma 10.96.12 we conclude that M is finite over A. Finally, suppose s = (s_ n) \in M = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits H^0(X, \mathcal{F}_ n) satisfies fs = 0. Then s_{n + 1} is in the kernel of \mathcal{F}_{n + 1} \to \mathcal{F}_ n by condition (1) of Lemma 20.36.1. Hence s_ n = 0. Since n was arbitrary, we see s = 0. Thus f is a nonzerodivisor on M. \square

Lemma 20.36.4. Let A be a ring. Let f \in A. Let X be a topological space. Let

\ldots \to \mathcal{F}_3 \to \mathcal{F}_2 \to \mathcal{F}_1

be an inverse system of sheaves of A-modules. Let p \geq 0. Assume

  1. either H^{p + 1}(X, \mathcal{F}_1) is an A-module of finite length or A is Noetherian and H^{p + 1}(X, \mathcal{F}_1) is a finite A-module,

  2. X, f, (\mathcal{F}_ n) satisfy condition (1) of Lemma 20.36.1.

Then the inverse system M_ n = H^ p(X, \mathcal{F}_ n) satisfies the Mittag-Leffler condition.

Proof. Set I = (f). We will use the criterion of Lemma 20.35.1. Observe that f^ n : \mathcal{F}_1 \to I^ n\mathcal{F}_{n + 1} is an isomorphism for all n \geq 0. Thus it suffices to show that

\bigoplus \nolimits _{n \geq 1} H^{p + 1}(X, \mathcal{F}_1) \cdot f^{n + 1}

is a graded S = \bigoplus _{n \geq 0} A/(f) \cdot f^ n-module satisfying the ascending chain condition. If A is not Noetherian, then H^{p + 1}(X, \mathcal{F}_1) has finite length and the result holds. If A is Noetherian, then S is a Noetherian ring and the result holds as the module is finite over S by the assumed finiteness of H^{p + 1}(X, \mathcal{F}_1). Some details omitted. \square

Lemma 20.36.5. Let A be a ring. Let f \in A. Let X be a topological space. Let

\ldots \to \mathcal{F}_3 \to \mathcal{F}_2 \to \mathcal{F}_1

be an inverse system of sheaves of A-modules. Let p \geq 0. Assume

  1. either there is an m \geq 1 such that the image of H^{p + 1}(X, \mathcal{F}_ m) \to H^{p + 1}(X, \mathcal{F}_1) is an A-module of finite length or A is Noetherian and the intersection of the images of H^{p + 1}(X, \mathcal{F}_ m) \to H^{p + 1}(X, \mathcal{F}_1) is a finite A-module,

  2. X, f, (\mathcal{F}_ n) satisfy condition (1) of Lemma 20.36.1.

Then the inverse system M_ n = H^ p(X, \mathcal{F}_ n) satisfies the Mittag-Leffler condition.

Proof. Set I = (f). We will use the criterion of Lemma 20.35.2 involving the modules N_ n. For m \geq n we have I^ n\mathcal{F}_{m + 1} = \mathcal{F}_{m + 1 - n}. Thus we see that

N_ n = \bigcap \nolimits _{m \geq 1} \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}\left( H^{p + 1}(X, \mathcal{F}_ m) \to H^{p + 1}(X, \mathcal{F}_1) \right)

is independent of n and \bigoplus N_ n = \bigoplus N_1 \cdot f^{n + 1}. Thus we conclude exactly as in the proof of Lemma 20.36.4. \square

Remark 20.36.6. Let (X, \mathcal{O}_ X) be a ringed space. Let f \in \Gamma (X, \mathcal{O}_ X). Let \mathcal{F} be \mathcal{O}_ X-module. If \mathcal{F} is f-torsion free, then for every p \geq 0 we have a short exact sequence of inverse systems

0 \to \{ H^ p(X, \mathcal{F})/f^ nH^ p(X, \mathcal{F})\} \to \{ H^ p(X, \mathcal{F}/f^ n\mathcal{F})\} \to \{ H^{p + 1}(X, \mathcal{F})[f^ n]\} \to 0

Since the first inverse system has the Mittag-Leffler condition (ML) we learn three things from this:

  1. There is a short exact sequence

    0 \to \widehat{H^ p(X, \mathcal{F})} \to \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits H^ p(X, \mathcal{F}/f^ n\mathcal{F}) \to T_ f(H^{p + 1}(X, \mathcal{F})) \to 0

    where \widehat{\ } denotes the usual f-adic completion and T_ f( - ) denotes the f-adic Tate module from More on Algebra, Example 15.93.5.

  2. We have R^1\mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits H^ p(X, \mathcal{F}/f^ n\mathcal{F}) = R^1\mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits H^{p + 1}(X, \mathcal{F})[f^ n].

  3. The system \{ H^{p + 1}(X, \mathcal{F})[f^ n]\} is ML if and only if \{ H^ p(X, \mathcal{F}/f^ n\mathcal{F})\} is ML.

See Homology, Lemma 12.31.3 and More on Algebra, Lemmas 15.86.2 and 15.86.13.

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