History of tag 0A71
Go back to the tag's page.
type |
time |
link |
changed the statement and the proof
2017-06-25 |
426e427 |
Base change for trivial duality
Very similar to the discussion in the next chapter but much much easier
to grok...
changed the statement
2017-04-11 |
04fef69 |
New macro: \Ext
changed the statement
2016-08-31 |
14741d6 |
Corrected typos in dualizing.tex guide.tex homology.tex intersection.tex limits.tex models.tex modules.tex more-groupoids.tex pic.tex
changed the statement and the proof
2016-02-11 |
a170238 |
Relative dualizing complex ring map
changed the statement
2016-01-26 |
52b45da |
Set of changes to dualizing.tex
Local calculation f^!
Independence of omega_S for f_{new}^!
Tor dimension of f^!O_S
Flatness of relative dualizing module in flat qf case
Comparing traces
assigned tag 0A71
2014-05-10 |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the label to lemma-RHom-ext
2014-05-07 |
afff03e |
Improve exposition
Also the definition of the functor Hom(O_Z, -) was incorrect.
changed the statement
2014-05-07 |
afff03e |
Improve exposition
Also the definition of the functor Hom(O_Z, -) was incorrect.
created statement with label lemma-exact-support-ext in dualizing.tex
2014-05-06 |
0257629 |
Sections with exact support
Just a skeleton section