History of tag 0A7N
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changed the proof
2015-12-30 |
398ea68 |
Improvements in dualizing.tex
Better handling duality finite morphism
Better handling dualizing module of quasi-finite
assigned tag 0A7N
2014-05-10 |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the statement
2014-05-08 |
e96773c |
A little bit more about dualizing complexes
Existence implies universally catenary and finite dimension for rings
Definition for locally Noetherian schemes... We just say it should be
affine locally a dualizing complex. This is not the most wonderful way
to do it, but it avoids talking about finite injective dimensions for
complexes of modules over a sheaf of rings.
created statement with label lemma-normalized-quotient in dualizing.tex
2014-05-07 |
75bdaed |
Dualizing complexes for local rings