History of tag 0CJW
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type |
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changed the proof
2016-08-31 |
2d984e2 |
Corrected typos in multiple files (spaces-*.tex, stacks-*.tex, sites*.tex, smoothing.tex, topology.tex, varieties.tex)
changed the proof
2016-06-15 |
ec526cc |
Gerbe of lifts in first order thickening case
assigned tag 0CJW
2016-06-09 |
Tags: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-etale-local-lifts-isomorphic in stacks-more-morphisms.tex
2016-06-09 |
d1cbafc |
Lifting affines
Preparatory work for proving we can deform a smooth
morphism from an affine along a first order thickening
of algebraic stacks.