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The Stacks project

History of tag 0CLT

Go back to the tag's page.

type time link
changed the proof 2017-08-06 d4e163e
Clean up the mess from 6da1dc6d
changed the proof 2016-08-31 2d984e2
Corrected typos in multiple files (spaces-*.tex, stacks-*.tex, sites*.tex, smoothing.tex, topology.tex, varieties.tex)
assigned tag 0CLT 2016-06-22 881a4b3
Tags: Added new tags
changed the proof 2016-06-22 1535623
Converse of valuative criteria for stacks

Done with the very general stuff for now.
created statement with label lemma-uniqueness-and-diagonal in stacks-morphisms.tex 2016-06-21 612aefc
Valuative criteria for morphisms of stacks

Just the beginning.