History of tag 0FAX
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changed the statement
2019-05-28 |
347d2af |
Upgrade tensor + loc chern
There is a tiny bit of overlap between one of the new lemmas and a
couple of arguments earlier... I have indicated this in the introduction
to the new lemma.
assigned tag 0FAX
2019-05-22 |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the proof
2019-05-19 |
0bd04f9 |
Properties of localized chern classes
Although the arguments are straightforward, the language we are using
here isn't convenient and we keep having to add more and more lemmas
earlier (each of which itself has a longish statement) in order to show
the reader to really it is kind of obvious that the thing we want to be
true is actually true... but of course if you chain lots of little
lemmas together then in the end you get something that is hard to
created statement with label lemma-localized-chern-pre-compose in chow.tex
2019-05-15 |
a369d19 |
Properties of localized chern classes