History of tag 0FW2
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assigned tag 0FW2
2019-12-08 |
Tags: added new tags
changed the proof
2019-12-08 |
6020f05 |
Finishing derham for now
Of course we need to improve this later, but this is a good start.
changed the proof
2019-12-07 |
ad981e1 |
Very rough material on de RHam = WCT
WCT = Weil Cohomology Theory
created statement with label lemma-Garel-map-frobenius-smooth-char-p in derham.tex
2019-12-04 |
15cbafc |
Poincare duality for de Rham cohomology
Thanks to Noah Olander for suggesting the proof of the lemma on the
vanishing of the map H^d(X, Omega^{d - 1}) ---> H^d(X, Omega^d) using
the trace map of Garel in positive characteristic.