History of tag 0FZR
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type |
time |
link |
changed the proof
2021-12-23 |
568b788 |
Same mistake as before
Thanks to Pieter Belmans
changed the proof
2021-12-23 |
8be8c71 |
Finish fixing the chapter functors
moved the statement to file functors.tex
2021-12-12 |
e0c05ba |
Move two sections earlier
changed the statement
2020-05-29 |
ba97d71 |
Fix misstated lemma
Thanks to Pieter Belmans
assigned tag 0FZR
2020-05-25 |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the statement
2020-05-24 |
d03e4e1 |
Small fixed of problems found by scripts
created statement with label lemma-equivalence-coherent-over-field in equiv.tex
2020-05-23 |
350309c |
Weak version of Gabriel's theorem
Also started a section about relative equivalences