111.63 Algebraic Geometry, Final Exam, Spring 2020
These were the questions in the final exam of a course on Algebraic Geometry, in the Spring of 2020 at Columbia University.
Exercise 111.63.1 (Definitions). Provide brief definitions of the italicized concepts.
a scheme,
a morphism of schemes,
a quasi-coherent module on a scheme,
a variety over a field k,
a curve over a field k,
a finite morphism of schemes,
the cohomology of a sheaf of abelian groups \mathcal{F} over a topological space X,
a dualizing sheaf on a scheme X of dimension d proper over a field k, and
a rational map from a variety X to a variety Y.
Exercise 111.63.2 (Theorems). Precisely but briefly state a nontrivial fact discussed in the lectures related to each item (if there is more than one then just pick one of them).
cohomology of abelian sheaves on a Noetherian topological space X of dimension d,
sheaf of differentials \Omega ^1_{X/k} of a smooth variety over a field k,
dualizing sheaf \omega _ X of a smooth projective variety X over the field k,
a smooth proper genus 0 curve over an algebraically closed field k, and
the genus of a plane curve of degree d.
Exercise 111.63.3. Let k be a field. Let X be a scheme over k. Assume X = X_1 \cup X_2 is an open covering with X_1, X_2 both isomorphic to \mathbf{P}^1_ k and X_1 \cap X_2 isomorphic to \mathbf{A}^1_ k. (Such a scheme exists, for example you can take \mathbf{P}^1_ k with \infty doubled.) Show that \dim _ k H^1(X, \mathcal{O}_ X) is infinite.
Exercise 111.63.4. Let k be an algebraically closed field. Let Y be a smooth projective curve of genus 10. Find a good lower bound for the genus of a smooth projective curve X such that there exists a nonconstant morphism f : X \to Y which is not an isomorphism.
Exercise 111.63.5. Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0. Let
X : T_0^ d + T_1^ d - T_2^ d = 0 \subset \mathbf{P}^2_ k
be the Fermat curve of degree d \geq 3. Consider the closed points p = [1 : 0 : 1] and q = [0 : 1 : 1] on X. Set D = [p] - [q].
Show that D is nontrivial in the Weil divisor class group.
Show that d D is trivial in the Weil divisor class group. (Hint: try to show that both d[p] and d[q] are the intersection of X with a line in the plane.)
Exercise 111.63.6. Let k be an algebraically closed field. Consider the 2-uple embedding
\varphi : \mathbf{P}^2 \longrightarrow \mathbf{P}^5
In terms of the material/notation in the lectures this is the morphism
\varphi = \varphi _{\mathcal{O}_{\mathbf{P}^2}(2)} : \mathbf{P}^2 \longrightarrow \mathbf{P}(\Gamma (\mathbf{P}^2, \mathcal{O}_{\mathbf{P}^2}(2)))
In terms of homogeneous coordinates it is given by
[a_0 : a_1 : a_2] \longmapsto [a_0^2 : a_0a_1 : a_0a_2 : a_1^2 : a_1a_2 : a_2^2]
It is a closed immersion (please just use this). Let I \subset k[T_0, \ldots , T_5] be the homogeneous ideal of \varphi (\mathbf{P}^2), i.e., the elements of the homogeneous part I_ d are the homogeneous polynomials F(T_0, \ldots , T_5) of degree d which restrict to zero on the closed subscheme \varphi (\mathbf{P}^2). Compute \dim _ k I_ d as a function of d.
Exercise 111.63.7. Let k be an algebraically closed field. Let X be a proper scheme of dimension d over k with dualizing module \omega _ X. You are given the following information:
\text{Ext}^ i_ X(\mathcal{F}, \omega _ X) \times H^{d - i}(X, \mathcal{F}) \to H^ d(X, \omega _ X) \xrightarrow {t} k is nondegenerate for all i and for all coherent \mathcal{O}_ X-modules \mathcal{F}, and
\omega _ X is finite locally free of some rank r.
Show that r = 1. (Hint: see what happens if you take \mathcal{F} a suitable module supported at a closed point.)
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