History of tag 002V
Go back to the tag's page.
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changed the statement
2021-05-30 |
21a52ca |
Some grammatical errors in Categories
There are some sentences of the form, for example, âthere exists a P and a Qâ.
I have changed âexistsâ into âexistâ.
There are other small changes too.
changed the statement
2015-10-06 |
9970173 |
categories.tex: a few more corrections and details
changed the statement
2010-03-08 |
7cbb0b4 |
Smorgasbord of changes
Loose ends:
algebra: add colimit over almost directed cats
sites-modules: exactness of g_!
more-morphisms: exactness of g_!
spaces-morphisms: closed immersions and sheaves
spaces-more-morphisms: conormal sheaves
should be fixed up soon
assigned tag 002V
2009-05-16 |
Started tags infrastructure
new file: scripts/add_tags.py
modified: scripts/functions.py
new file: tags/initial_tags
new file: tags/tags
changed the statement
2009-05-11 |
6f5fb4c |
Towards a cohomological property of ample invertible sheaves
Improved notation in definition directed diagrams
Lemmas on comparing sheaves which agree on princpal opens
Started proving powers sections kill cohomology classes
Set of isomorphism classes of finite type modules
Inclusion principal open is affine morphism
Quasi-coherent modules are directed colimits of sheaves of
finite presentation
modified: categories.tex
modified: coherent.tex
modified: modules.tex
modified: morphisms.tex
modified: properties.tex
changed the statement
2009-04-10 |
713944e |
More neurotic changes
changed the statement
2008-11-17 |
75f6cd9 |
There are a lot of mistakes in this commit
modified: algebra.tex
modified: categories.tex
modified: schemes.tex
modified: sheaves.tex
modified: sites.tex
created statement with label definition-directed in categories.tex
2008-06-05 |
7d43256 |
More about limits of sets, and a small
bugfix in the proof of sheafification.
modified: categories.tex
modified: sites.tex