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4 Categories
Section 4.1: Introduction
Section 4.2: Definitions
Section 4.3: Opposite Categories and the Yoneda Lemma
Section 4.4: Products of pairs
Section 4.5: Coproducts of pairs
Section 4.6: Fibre products
Section 4.7: Examples of fibre products
Section 4.8: Fibre products and representability
Section 4.9: Pushouts
Section 4.10: Equalizers
Section 4.11: Coequalizers
Section 4.12: Initial and final objects
Section 4.13: Monomorphisms and Epimorphisms
Section 4.14: Limits and colimits
Section 4.15: Limits and colimits in the category of sets
Section 4.16: Connected limits
Section 4.17: Cofinal and initial categories
Section 4.18: Finite limits and colimits
Section 4.19: Filtered colimits
Section 4.20: Cofiltered limits
Section 4.21: Limits and colimits over preordered sets
Section 4.22: Essentially constant systems
Section 4.23: Exact functors
Section 4.24: Adjoint functors
Section 4.25: A criterion for representability
Section 4.26: Categorically compact objects
Section 4.27: Localization in categories
Section 4.28: Formal properties
Section 4.29: 2-categories
Section 4.30: (2, 1)-categories
Section 4.31: 2-fibre products
Section 4.32: Categories over categories
Section 4.33: Fibred categories
Section 4.34: Inertia
Section 4.35: Categories fibred in groupoids
Section 4.36: Presheaves of categories
Section 4.37: Presheaves of groupoids
Section 4.38: Categories fibred in sets
Section 4.39: Categories fibred in setoids
Section 4.40: Representable categories fibred in groupoids
Section 4.41: The 2-Yoneda lemma
Lemma 4.41.1: 2-Yoneda lemma for fibred categories
Lemma 4.41.2: 2-Yoneda lemma
Remark 4.41.3
Section 4.42: Representable 1-morphisms
Section 4.43: Monoidal categories
Section 4.44: Categories of dotted arrows