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4.30 (2, 1)-categories

Some 2-categories have the property that all 2-morphisms are isomorphisms. These will play an important role in the following, and they are easier to work with.

Definition 4.30.1. A (strict) (2, 1)-category is a 2-category in which all 2-morphisms are isomorphisms.

Example 4.30.2. The 2-category \textit{Cat}, see Remark 4.29.3, can be turned into a (2, 1)-category by only allowing isomorphisms of functors as 2-morphisms.

In fact, more generally any 2-category \mathcal{C} produces a (2, 1)-category by considering the sub 2-category \mathcal{C}' with the same objects and 1-morphisms but whose 2-morphisms are the invertible 2-morphisms of \mathcal{C}. In this situation we will say “let \mathcal{C}' be the (2, 1)-category associated to \mathcal{C}” or similar. For example, the (2, 1)-category of groupoids means the 2-category whose objects are groupoids, whose 1-morphisms are functors and whose 2-morphisms are isomorphisms of functors. Except that this is a bad example as a transformation between functors between groupoids is automatically an isomorphism!

Remark 4.30.3. Thus there are variants of the construction of Example 4.30.2 above where we look at the 2-category of groupoids, or categories fibred in groupoids over a fixed category, or stacks. And so on.

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