Definition 4.44.1. Let \mathcal{C} be a (2,1)-category. Consider a 2-commutative solid diagram
in \mathcal{C}. Fix a 2-isomorphism
witnessing the 2-commutativity of the diagram. Given ( and \gamma , a dotted arrow is a triple (a, \alpha , \beta ) consisting of a morphism a \colon T \to X and and 2-isomorphisms \alpha : a \circ j \to x, \beta : y \to f \circ a such that \gamma = (\text{id}_ f \star \alpha ) \circ (\beta \star \text{id}_ j), in other words such that
is commutative. A morphism of dotted arrows (a, \alpha , \beta ) \to (a', \alpha ', \beta ') is a 2-arrow \theta : a \to a' such that \alpha = \alpha ' \circ (\theta \star \text{id}_ j) and \beta ' = (\text{id}_ f \star \theta ) \circ \beta .
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