Definition 4.21.1. Let I be a set and let \leq be a binary relation on I.
We say \leq is a preorder if it is transitive (if i \leq j and j \leq k then i \leq k) and reflexive (i \leq i for all i \in I).
A preordered set is a set endowed with a preorder.
A directed set is a preordered set (I, \leq ) such that I is not empty and such that \forall i, j \in I, there exists k \in I with i \leq k, j \leq k.
We say \leq is a partial order if it is a preorder which is antisymmetric (if i \leq j and j \leq i, then i = j).
A partially ordered set is a set endowed with a partial order.
A directed partially ordered set is a directed set whose ordering is a partial order.
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Comment #2138 by Keenan Kidwell on
Comment #2146 by Johan on
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