Remark 4.43.12. Let \mathcal{C} be a monoidal category. We say \mathcal{C} has an internal hom if for every pair of objects X, Y of \mathcal{C} there is an object hom(X, Y) of \mathcal{C} such that we have
functorially in X, Y, Z. By the Yoneda lemma the bifunctor (X, Y) \mapsto hom(X, Y) is determined up to unique isomorphism if it exists. Given an internal hom we obtain canonical maps
hom(X, Y) \otimes X \to Y,
hom(Y, Z) \otimes hom(X, Y) \to hom(X, Z),
Z \otimes hom(X, Y) \to hom(X, Z \otimes Y),
Y \to hom(X, Y \otimes X), and
hom(Y, Z) \otimes X \to hom(hom(X, Y), Z) in case \mathcal{C} is symmetric monoidal.
Namely, the map in (1) is the image of \text{id}_{hom(X, Y)} by \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits (hom(X, Y), hom(X, Y)) \to \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits (hom(X, Y) \otimes X, Y). To construct the map in (2) by the defining property of hom(X, Z) we need to construct a map
and such a map exists since by (1) we have maps hom(X, Y) \otimes X \to Y and hom(Y, Z) \otimes Y \to Z. To construct the map in (3) by the defining property of hom(X, Z \otimes Y) we need to construct a map
for which we use \text{id}_ Z \otimes a where a is the map in (1). To construct the map in (4) we note that we already have the map Y \otimes hom(X, X) \to hom(X, Y \otimes X) by (3). Thus it suffices to construct a map \mathbf{1} \to hom(X, X) and for this we take the element in \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits (\mathbf{1}, hom(X, X)) corresponding to the canonical isomorphism \mathbf{1} \otimes X \to X in \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits (\mathbf{1} \otimes X, X). Finally, we come to (5). By the universal property of hom(hom(X, Y), Z) it suffices to construct a map
We do this by swapping the last two tensor products using the commutativity constraint and then using the maps hom(X, Y) \otimes X \to Y and hom(Y, Z) \otimes Y \to Z.
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