Let \overline{T} be the closure of the irreducible subset T. If \overline{T} = Z_1 \cup Z_2 with Z_ i \subset \overline{T} closed, then T = (T\cap Z_1) \cup (T \cap Z_2) and hence T equals one of the two, say T = Z_1 \cap T. Thus clearly \overline{T} \subset Z_1. This proves (1). Part (2) follows immediately from (1) and the definition of irreducible components.
Let T \subset X be irreducible. Consider the set A of irreducible subsets T \subset T_\alpha \subset X. Note that A is nonempty since T \in A. There is a partial ordering on A coming from inclusion: \alpha \leq \alpha ' \Leftrightarrow T_\alpha \subset T_{\alpha '}. Choose a maximal totally ordered subset A' \subset A, and let T' = \bigcup _{\alpha \in A'} T_\alpha . We claim that T' is irreducible. Namely, suppose that T' = Z_1 \cup Z_2 is a union of two closed subsets of T'. For each \alpha \in A' we have either T_\alpha \subset Z_1 or T_\alpha \subset Z_2, by irreducibility of T_\alpha . Suppose that for some \alpha _0 \in A' we have T_{\alpha _0} \not\subset Z_1 (say, if not we're done anyway). Then, since A' is totally ordered we see immediately that T_\alpha \subset Z_2 for all \alpha \in A'. Hence T' = Z_2. This proves (3). Part (4) is an immediate consequence of (3) as a singleton space is irreducible.
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