History of tag 00UX
Go back to the tag's page.
type |
time |
link |
changed the proof
2022-01-23 |
9cee969 |
Try to use L/K notation for field extensions
We could also try to consistenly use "field extension" and not just
"extension" and consistently use "ring extension", etc.
changed the proof
2018-05-19 |
be94730 |
Fix a and an
Thanks to Dario Weissmann
changed the label to lemma-etale-makes-unramified-closed-at-prime
2011-06-09 |
c7bfa9c |
unramfied -> unramified
changed the statement
2011-06-09 |
c7bfa9c |
unramfied -> unramified
changed the statement and the proof
2010-10-09 |
97a5c76 |
Begin translating etale to \'etale or \acute{e}tale (in Math mode).
changed the proof
2010-04-03 |
65b2583 |
Algebra: Finished converting unramified ring maps
changed the proof
2009-07-17 |
c947571 |
Got to the point where separated etale morphisms satsify descent for
fppf coverings (not fpqc coverings though)
modified: algebra.tex
modified: fpqc-descent.tex
modified: more-morphisms.tex
modified: morphisms.tex
changed the proof
2009-06-15 |
3f213d0 |
Corrected bad mistake in algebra.tex, namely
Added curiosity to algebra.tex
Added additivity of fibre dimensions to morphisms.tex
Added permanence of etale morphisms to morphisms.tex
Added better version permanence for syntomic/smooth/etale to
modified: algebra.tex
modified: fpqc-descent.tex
modified: more-morphisms.tex
modified: morphisms.tex
assigned tag 00UX
2009-05-16 |
Started tags infrastructure
new file: scripts/add_tags.py
modified: scripts/functions.py
new file: tags/initial_tags
new file: tags/tags
created statement with label lemma-etale-makes-unramfied-closed-at-prime in algebra.tex
2009-01-30 |
572555a |
More on unramified ring maps
modified: algebra.tex