Definition 14.12.1. An n-truncated simplicial object of \mathcal{C} is a contravariant functor from \Delta _{\leq n} to \mathcal{C}. A morphism of n-truncated simplicial objects is a transformation of functors. We denote the category of n-truncated simplicial objects of \mathcal{C} by the symbol \text{Simp}_ n(\mathcal{C}).
14.12 Truncated simplicial objects and skeleton functors
Let \Delta _{\leq n} denote the full subcategory of \Delta with objects [0], [1], [2], \ldots , [n]. Let \mathcal{C} be a category.
Given a simplicial object U of \mathcal{C} the truncation \text{sk}_ n U is the restriction of U to the subcategory \Delta _{\leq n}. This defines a skeleton functor
\text{sk}_ n : \text{Simp}(\mathcal{C}) \longrightarrow \text{Simp}_ n(\mathcal{C})
from the category of simplicial objects of \mathcal{C} to the category of n-truncated simplicial objects of \mathcal{C}. See Remark 14.21.6 to avoid possible confusion with other functors in the literature.
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