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14 Simplicial Methods
Section 14.1: Introduction
Section 14.2: The category of finite ordered sets
Section 14.3: Simplicial objects
Section 14.4: Simplicial objects as presheaves
Section 14.5: Cosimplicial objects
Section 14.6: Products of simplicial objects
Section 14.7: Fibre products of simplicial objects
Section 14.8: Pushouts of simplicial objects
Section 14.9: Products of cosimplicial objects
Section 14.10: Fibre products of cosimplicial objects
Section 14.11: Simplicial sets
Section 14.12: Truncated simplicial objects and skeleton functors
Section 14.13: Products with simplicial sets
Section 14.14: Hom from simplicial sets into cosimplicial objects
Section 14.15: Hom from cosimplicial sets into simplicial objects
Section 14.16: Internal Hom
Section 14.17: Hom from simplicial sets into simplicial objects
Section 14.18: Splitting simplicial objects
Section 14.19: Coskeleton functors
Section 14.20: Augmentations
Section 14.21: Left adjoints to the skeleton functors
Section 14.22: Simplicial objects in abelian categories
Section 14.23: Simplicial objects and chain complexes
Section 14.24: Dold-Kan
Section 14.25: Dold-Kan for cosimplicial objects
Section 14.26: Homotopies
Section 14.27: Homotopies in abelian categories
Section 14.28: Homotopies and cosimplicial objects
Section 14.29: More homotopies in abelian categories
Section 14.30: Trivial Kan fibrations
Section 14.31: Kan fibrations
Section 14.32: A homotopy equivalence
Section 14.33: Preparation for standard resolutions
Section 14.34: Standard resolutions